Martin Senn

Martin Senn is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Innsbruck, focusing on the Politics of International Order. He also lectures at the Vienna School of International Studies. Senn's research interests include disarmament, governance, and international security.

His academic journey included studies in Tübingen, Ohio, Frankfurt, and Bonn, covering political science, German literature, and philosophy.

Selected Publications

Senn, Martin, Franz Eder, and Markus Kornprobst. “Ambitious and Apathic, Principled and Pragmatic: Austrian Foreign Policy in the Second Republic.” Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft.

Senn, Martin, and Jodok Troy. 2017. “The Transformation of Targeted Killing and International Order.” Contemporary Security Policy, 38(2), 175-211.

Senn, Martin. 2017. “The Art of Constructing (In)Security: Probing Rhetorical Strategies of Securitization.” Journal of International Relations and Development.


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