Michal Parízek

Affiliate Researcher

Michal is a senior researcher at Peace Research Center Prague and an Assistant Professor and the Deputy Head of the Department of International Relations, Charles University.

He is also the principal investigator of project GLOWIN, Global Flows of Political Information.


In his research, Michal Parízek focuses on global economic governance, international organizations and on international flows of political information.

Selected publications

Parizek, M., & Stephen, M. D. (2020). The increasing representativeness of international organizations’ secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997–2015. International Studies Quarterly, 65(1), 197–209.

Parizek, M., & Stephen, M. D. (2021). The long march through the institutions: Emerging powers and the staffing of international organizations. Cooperation and Conflict, 56(2), 204–223.

Faude, B., & Parizek, M. (2021). Contested multilateralism as credible signaling: how strategic inconsistency can induce cooperation among states. The Review of International Organizations, 16(4), 843–70.


Email address: michal.parizek@fsv.cuni.cz