Thazha Varkey Paul

T.V. Paul is a James McGill Professor at McGill University, specializing in International Relations. His notable roles include Director of the Global Research Network on Peaceful Change (GRENPEC) and editor of the Georgetown University Press Book Series: South Asia in World Affairs.

His areas of interest include international security, India and rising powers, IR theory, war and conflict, nuclear proliferation, regional security, Asia, and comparative politics in South Asia.

Selected Publications

Paul, T.V. (2005). Soft Balancing in the Age of U.S. Primacy. International Security, 30(1), 46-71

Nayar, B. R., & Paul, T. V. (2003). India in the World Order: Searching for Major-Power Status. Cambridge University Press.

Paul, T. V. (Ed.). (2005). The India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry. Cambridge University Press.


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